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Welcome to
Shenten Dargye Ling

Shenten Dargye Ling is a spiritual centre dedicated to the Tibetan Yungdrung Bön tradition

Next events of Shenten Dargye Ling


Cérémonie mensuelle d'offrande de Lishu Tagring

Moines résidents à Shenten

23 mai 2024 - 15h

Cérémonie mensuelle d'offrande de Lishu Tagring à l'occasion de la pleine lune.


Les Trois Proclamations (de la Parole de Bouddha)

Pönlop Tsangpa Tenzin Rinpoché

Du 5 au 10 mai 2024

C'est un grand honneur d'accueillir Pönlop Rinpoché à Shenten qui va continuer son enseignement sur le cycle : "Les Trois Proclamations (de la Parole de Bouddha)"


Calligraphie Tibétaine

Vinaya Khenpo Samten Tsukphu

Du 16 au 21 juin 2024

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer un séminaire exclusif sur la calligraphie tibétaine qui se tiendra du 16 au 21 juin 2024, dirigé par Vinaya Khenpo Samten, lama résidant à Shenten.

La calligraphie tibétaine est plus qu'un art visuel ; c'est une pratique spirituelle et une forme de méditation en mouvement. Chaque trait et chaque forme dans l'écriture tibétaine portent une profonde signification spirituelle et esthétique. Cet art ancien est une manière d'exprimer et de préserver les enseignements sacrés, et il offre une fenêtre sur la riche culture et l'héritage spirituel du Tibet.


Full Moon Tsok Offering

Shenten Resident Lamas

May 23rd at 3p.m.

Full Moon Tsok Offering of Lishu Tagring with Shenten Resident Lamas

Practice of the Limitless Aspirational Prayer to the Buddhas (Dersheg Monlam Thaye) to celebrate the birthday of Tonpa Shenrab.


The Three Proclamations (of the Word of Buddha)

Pönlop Tsangpa Tenzin Rinpoche

05 – 10 May 2024

It is a great honour to welcome Pönlop Rinpoche to Shenten who will continue his teaching on the cycle: "The Three Proclamations (of the Word of Buddha)".


Tibetan Calligraphy

Vinaya Khenpo Samten Tsukphu

16 – 21 Juin2024

We are excited to announce an exclusive seminar on Tibetan calligraphy from June 16 to 21, 2024, led by Vinaya Khenpo Samten, a resident lama at Shenten.

Tibetan calligraphy is more than a visual art; it is a spiritual practice and a form of meditation in motion. Each stroke and form in Tibetan writing carries deep spiritual and aesthetic meaning. This ancient art is a way of expressing and preserving sacred teachings, offering a window into the rich culture and spiritual heritage of Tibet.

Saturday Sessions


One or two Saturdays each month, we organise teaching sessions for people in the region who wish to discover the path of meditation, according to the Bön spiritual tradition

Speech of Delight


The Speech of Delight, a new online magazine from Shenten Dargye Ling and its community that replaces the identically titled newsletter that our sangha used to have in the past.

Paris Sangha Event:
june 22nd-23rd 2024



Pönlop Tsangpa Tenzin Rinpoche will teach about The Four Wheels of Bön which is a teaching from Buddha Tonpa Shenrab Miwo, the founder of bön. It’s one fundamental texts of the Dzogchen tradition of the Yungdrung Bön. This teaching will be meant for long-time practitioners as well as for beginners. It was already taught in France some years ago by Yongdzin Rinpoche.


Pönlop Tsangpa Tenzin Rinpoche is the head teacher of The Bön Dialectic School of Triten Norbustse Monastery, and he is also very appreciated by the western students for his cheerful and simple way of explaining complex topics. We are delighted that he’s coming to teach us in Paris.


The teachings will take place in a private place, so the number of participants on site will be limited to 30 people (it will be crowdy), however it will be possible to attend the teachings on zoom as well. It will take place in the XXth arrondissement of Paris, the exact location will be given to the registered people. Due to the limited amount of place on site, we will prioritise the inscription of the people who can attend the two days.


Zoom registrations:

Teaching schedule : 10:00-12:00 & 15:00-17:00 (please arrive 30 minutes beforehand)


Rate1 : 40 ou + € / day

Rate 2 : 30 € / day

low income : 20 € / day

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