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Shenten Academy

Increasing Wisdom and Knowledge together 

What is the Shenten Academy?

The Shenten Academy is a programme offered by Shenten Dargye Ling, designed for students and practitioners of the Bön Sangha as well as those from other spiritual traditions. Its purpose is to create meaningful opportunities for learning and study, primarily focused on Yungdrung Bön. While the curriculum emphasizes key areas of the various vehicles within this ancient tradition of Zhang Zhung and Tibet, it also welcomes the exploration of other (closely or distantly) related subjects (e.g. Tibetan language, Tibetan medicine, cosmology, art etc.) and spiritual paths. At its core, it is about creating together the knowledge and wisdom that is necessary and useful on the path to liberation. Respect for all spiritual traditions, authenticity and truthfulness in the transmission of knowledge, and a steadfast and unconditional dedication to the benefit and welfare of all beings are always at the core. 

What is the purpose of the Shenten Academy?

The Shenten Academy has the following main objectives:
•    To promote the spiritual practice of followers of the Bön tradition and other spiritual traditions by increasing their wisdom and knowledge of the various vehicles and paths to liberation of the Bön tradition and (e.g. in a comparative sense) of other spiritual traditions.

•    To convey further, supplementary knowledge which is useful for the spiritual path and which is related to certain other areas of knowledge (e.g. Tibetan language, Tibetan medicine, art, cosmology etc.).  

•    To establish and maintain the teachings of Yungdrung Bön by imparting the knowledge and wisdom of the Bön tradition in the West.

•    Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, the founder of Shenten Dargye Ling, has always emphasised the importance of combining meditation and philosophy in his monasteries. It is precisely to fulfil this vision as well as this wish that the Shenten Academy was founded.

What is generally planned to offer?

The following courses are generally planned. Other study areas and courses may and will be added in the future. 

•    Shenten Lectures: 
◦    Lectures that take place once a week over a period of several weeks and cover a specific topic
◦    One-off lectures on a specific topic

•    Shenten Language: 
◦    Language courses such as Oral or Written Tibetan or Tibetan Reading classes

•    Shenten Medicine:
◦    Tibetain Medicine courses 

When does it start? 

The Shenten Academy was officially established by a resolution of the Shenten Association on 23 September 2024. The Shenten Academy is expected to launch in November 2024. 

How does the lectures and courses work?

The courses usually take place from November to March. However, there may also be courses outside this period. All courses will be held online via Zoom. There will always be a lecturer or teacher to impart the relevant knowledge. However, great emphasis will be placed on an open and discussion-friendly atmosphere. Sharing and developing knowledge and wisdom together is always paramount.

How to register

Registration for the lectures and courses is the same as for other retreats organised by Shenten Dargye Ling. There is a separate registration link for each lecture or course. Registration requires simply clicking on the registration link and following the registration and payment instructions. If a different procedure is planned, this will be explicitly stated.
One-off lectures can be booked individually. For courses lasting several weeks, registration is always for the entire course; individual course units cannot be booked. Lectures or courses may be offered on a donation basis. This will be announced separately. 


All courses are recorded. The recordings will be made available to participants. 

Costs and payment

Unless otherwise stated, the participation fee for two hours of teaching is 15 € per lecture or individual course unit. Depending on the length of the course or other circumstances, a different participation fee may apply. This will be indicated separately. The course fee is generally paid to Shenten Dargye Ling. Any exceptions will be announced separately.
As usual, payment is made via PayPal when registering for Zoom.

For those who do not wish or cannot pay via PayPal, we recommend using a friend's account. In any case, please provide your own email address when registering to receive the link for the event.

If you do not have the option to use PayPal, please contact us at We will send you the details to pay by bank transfer and register you manually after your payment.

If you are currently having financial difficulties but would still like to attend the seminar, please write to

What is planned for 2024/2025?

The following events are currently planned for 2024/2025. Further events may be added.  

Lecture: Basics of Bön Philosophy Part 1 



This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of the Yungdrung Bön tradition. It comprises several mutually supportive philosophical disciplines of the Bön tradition: phenomenology or düdra (bsdus grwa; describing the empirical world as we experience it), epistemology and typologies of mind or tsema (tshad ma; analysing how we know), and ontology (dealing with the question of what is real).


The course consists of 10 lectures. 


Topics covered include: the nature and scope of our suffering, the concept of impermanence, the scope and motives of philosophical analysis, the ramifications of our prevailing but indiscernible ignorance and its role in conditioning our existence, the dynamic cognitive and behavioural patterns of repetition (karma) that govern and determine our continued existence, the 12 links of interdependent arising, and the status of the empirical world and objects.

The course will address questions such as: Why is there so much dissatisfaction in our lives? What are the underlying recurring tendencies that keep us trapped in repetitive patterns of suffering? Is there a self that governs my body and mind? If not, how can we account for causation and continuity? Is the empirical world something given, or is it something constructed? Are we even capable of knowing anything at all? 


This course is intended not only for complete beginners who wish to learn the core philosophical concepts of Yungdrung Bon, but also for advanced practitioners who wish to deepen their knowledge of the tradition. 


Tulku Pönse Jigme Tenzin​​​


  • 03.11.2024,

  • 10.11.2024,

  • 17.11.2024 at 3 pm CET

  • 24.11.2024,

  • 01.12.2024,

  • 08.12.2024,

  • 15.12.2024,

  • 05.01.2024,

  • 12.01.2025,

  • 19.01.2025 at 5 pm CET


100 Euro for the entire lecture (10 x 10 Euro)

Biography: Tulku Pönse Yigme Tenzin – born as Jorge René Valles Sandoval on 17 August 1996 in Chihuahua, Mexico – is known to be the reincarnation of the Bön master Yongdzin Sangye Tenzin Rinpoche (1917-1978), who served as Lopon of Menri Monastery, the main monastery of the Yundrung Bön tradition.

From early childhood, H.H. Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche, the 33rd Menri Trizin, appointed several teachers who came to Mexico regularly to teach the young Tulku. When he was six years old, he began to learn the basics of the Tibetan language, how to read and write both Tibetan scriptures (Uchen and Ume).

In the following years, the Tulku regularly visited Triten Norbutse and Menri monasteries, staying for 1-2 months each year to learn about Tibetan culture and to improve his Tibetan language by reciting the texts over and over again.

At the age of 12, he spent a whole year at Menri Monastery. This was the first time he had been away from his parents in the monastery and lived with the monks. During this time he had 5 main classes: reading comprehension, recitation, Tibetan grammar and spelling, Tibetan writing and ritual classes along with meditation. 

The main purpose of this was to gain a deeper knowledge of the Tibetan language, along with the Bön tradition, its teachings, rituals, philosophy and so on.

After spending a full year in Menri, the Tulku returned to Mexico to continue his western studies. H.H. also appointed a teacher to go to Mexico and spend time there teaching the Tulku the Tibetan language and Bön philosophy.

After completing his 12th year of western studies, he went to Lishu Institute in India to deepen his knowledge of Bön philosophy and Tibetan language. A few months later he returned to Mexico to attend the University College, where he began his studies in Financial Administration. After 2 years of concentrating on his western studies, the Tulku decided to spend 3 years in India to fully develop his knowledge of the Tibetan language. He attended the Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translation Programme in Dharamshala, India, and spent 2 years developing his knowledge of the Tibetan language. The first year included: grammar, spelling, reading, writing, listening comprehension and conversation classes. The second year was more focused on Buddhist philosophy, where he learned philosophy, logic, Tibetan debate, epistemology, and the study of typologies of mind and consciousness. When his classes ended, he continued to study on his own every day, reading Tibetan grammar books along with several Bonpo texts focusing on Dzogchen. He also continued to deepen his meditation practice, doing various practices that focused not only on Dzogchen, but also on Tantra and Sutra meditation and visualisation. After completing his studies in India, the Tulku went to Triten Norbutse Monastery in Nepal and spent 6 months concentrating on learning Bonpo philosophy. There he had three classes: epistemology and dialectics, the study of a very important text written by Nyame Sherab Gyaltsen – the first abbot of Menri Monastery – called 'Paths and Grounds' (Salam in Tibetan) which focuses on Madhyamaka philosophy, and the study of a Dzogchen text from the Atri tradition. After spending 6 months in the monastery, the Tulku returned to Mexico to complete his western studies. After 2 years he finished his studies in Financial Administration. He is currently studying at the Triten Norbutse Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal, continuing his training in Bonpo philosophy, psychology and meditation, and working on translating Tibetan texts into English and Spanish.

Further information:

The course consists of 10 lectures, one hour each, once a week, always on Sundays. It starts on 03.11.2024.

There will be no lectures on 22.12. 2024 and 29.12.2024

Tulku Pönse Jigme Tenzin will teach the first three dates from Nepal and the rest of the dates from Mexico. That is why the courses start at different times (see below). 

Registration link:

Lecture: Continuation and completion of the teachings on the Salam of Nyamme Sherab Gyaltsen (Completion of the Shedra):


Description: This course is a continuation of the Shedra.

In the Shedra organised by Shenten Dargye Ling in 2028–2024, the central study text was a text by Nyamme Sherab Gyaltsen entitled Sa lam trül drön me rang drel zhuk pa lak (sa lam ‘phrul sgron me'i rang 'grel bzhugs pa lags), which can be translated as ”The Self-Commentary on the Magic Lamp of Stages and Paths“. This text focuses on Madhyamaka philosophy and is one of the central sutra texts of traditional Geshe training. In the text itself, we have reached the third path, the path of seeing. We will continue at this point. In addition to Shedra participants, newcomers are also very welcome.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact

Teacher: Khenpo Gelek Jinpa 


16.11.2024 and

08.12.2024 at 3 p.m.

CET Additional lectures will be scheduled.


30 Euro for the two lectures (2 x 15 Euro)


Further information:

The course consists of two lectures of two hours each, held on Saturdays. Additional lectures will be scheduled.

Please note:

This course is a continuation of the Shedra. We will pick up where we left off. However, if you are interested, you can join. If you have any questions, please email

Registration link:


Lecture: Tibetan Reading Class


During the Shedra, participants were very fortunate to be taught Tibetan by Prof Charles Ramble. Two courses were always offered: a beginners course and an advanced reading course.

Prof Ramble has kindly agreed to offer a reading course during term time as part of the Shenten Academy. In this course we will read a text in Tibetan and also look at unfamiliar vocabulary and grammar constructions. The text will be chosen and announced. 


Prof. Charles Ramble, D.Phil.



The reading class will take place on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm
CET, depending on Prof. Ramble's schedule.



If you are interested in participating, please write to


Further information:

The course is offered on a donation basis.

For this please see

Your generous support of Shenten Dargye Ling helps us considerably in our mission to preserve and share the Yungdrung Bön teachings. It helps to make the teachings available to practitioners of all ages and backgrounds through the organization of workshops and retreats.

We receive all donations with deep gratitude.



Charles Ramble is director of studies in the History and Philology Section of the École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL University, Paris, and director of the Tibetan Studies research team of the Center for Research on East Asian Civilizations (CRCAO). From 2000 to 2010 he held the position of University Lecturer in Tibetan and Himalayan Studies that had recently been established at the University of Oxford, UK, with which he remains associated as a University Research Lecturer. From 2006 to 2013 he was President of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. He is currently director of the European Society for the Study of Himalayan and Central Asian Civilizations (SEECHAC). His research interests include the Bon religion, Tibetan pagan religion in the Himalayan region, the social history of Tibetan societies, pilgrimage and biography. He is currently the Principal Investigator in an ERC-funded research project “Reconstructing the Pagan Religion of Tibet (PaganTibet)”, 2023–2028. He is the author or co-author of eight books, including The Navel of the Demoness: Tibetan Buddhism and Civil Religion in Highland Nepal (2008) as well as three volumes in a series entitled Tibetan Sources for a Social History of Mustang (Nepal), (2008, 2015, 2019), in addition to approximately a hundred articles on aspects of Tibetan civilization


Registration link:

Will be announced shortly via email.

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